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  2010/05/22 長巷空勤接駁救援行動 Air lift rescue at Long Lane.  © 陳則真  |  Jamy Chen

龍洞的美充滿原始氣息,嶙峋的岩石與多變的地形,常常讓這座攀岩者們眼中的美麗秘境,轉眼就成為傷患的絕境。有鑒於龍洞岩場地形複雜,每當意外發生時,常使得救援行動格外困難,進而大幅拖延傷患就醫的時間,因此,岩友李昭明先生於 2009 年主動發起這項計畫,憑藉其消防專業背景,以及豐富的技術與知識,並結合其相關人脈與資源,從無到有為龍洞規劃出一套極其完備的救援計畫;除了制定岩場的基本求援 / 救援程序,並協調在地消防、海巡單位共同規劃龍洞各區的海陸空救援點與救援動線外,本計畫更在幾處重點區域配置了緊急醫療器材,讓傷患在救援人員抵達前,就能在第一時間得到最好的照護。


Part of the magic of Long Dong is its stunning beauty, which is natural, primitive and wild. However, one significant feature of Long Dong is that the primitive environment makes emergency response and evacuation much more difficult than at many other climbing areas. The rugged terrain, vertical cliffs and fields of scattered boulders make this place a fascinating paradise under normal conditions, but it can quickly become a desperate, complex maze in an emergency. Due to the complexity of terrain, any mission to rescue and evacuate an accident victim in Long Dong is extremely difficult, with the terrain greatly extending the time required to evacuate patients to a hospital. In order to mitigate such challenges, Zhao-Ming Lee has initiated the Long Dong EMS Project. Based on his background as a professional firefighter and his profound knowledge of professional medical and rescue techniques, he has gathered the necessary resources and developed a complete rescue plan for Long Dong. In addition to defining the basic rescue procedures, and coordinating with the local fire department and coast guard unit to pinpoint sea, land and air rescue points at every crag of Long Dong, the Long Dong EMS Project also includes placing and maintaining EMS equipment at select locations, allowing injured persons and first responders access to emergency medical resources as quickly as possible.


龍洞岩場救援計畫 | Long Dong EMS Project

計畫始於 2009 年,由岩友李昭明先⽣會同當年的台北縣消防局第六⼤隊 – 貢寮、瑞芳分隊完成岩場勘查,制定陸海空救援點、意外通報流程與救援流程,並號召岩友集資採購急救器材,設置於岩場重點區域,亦將計畫彙編成冊後發布於網路,供廣大岩友下載使用;除此之外,更不定時舉辦「龍洞岩場救援訓練」,協助岩友熟悉救援程序與相關處置流程,並建立「龍洞岩場意外事件回報制度」,搜集所有龍洞意外事件相關資訊,並加以統計分析,作為整體計畫後續改進的重要依據。


Mr. Lee formulated the Long Dong EMS Project in 2009 in cooperation with the 6th Branch, i.e., the Gongliao and Ruifang Branch, of the New Taipei City Fire Department. Mr. Lee and a team of his fellow firefighters surveyed Long Dong, identified certain rescue zones, found appropriate sea- or air-rescue transportation points in each zone, developed an emergency report procedure, and standardized the rescue process. Mr. Lee then called upon the climbing community to raise funds for basic EMS equipment, procure the EMS equipment and install it at predetermined locations throughout Long Dong. Next, the relevant information was announced to the public, and finally, as a result of all this hard work and expertise, the Long Dong EMS Project became operational. In order to help Long Dong climbers become familiar with the area-specific rescue processes, Mr. Lee established the Long Dong Rescue Training Program, and began conducting training sessions as lead instructor. He also launched the Long Dong Accident Reporting Mechanism, through which accidents in Long Dong can be recorded and analyzed, and their causes identified. These records permit other climbers to understand causes of accidents in hopes of preventing similar accidents in the future. On the basis of the accumulated information, the Long Dong EMS Project can be fine-tuned and improved.


計畫的事前閱讀是必須的 – 岩友在龍洞岩場攀岩,應了解本區域的救援系統,才是對自己及伙伴負責的表現;切莫等意外發生時,才開始尋找求援程序及救護器材放置地點。務請將本計畫從頭至尾詳細閱讀,至少具備基本概念,意外發生時,才能及時應變並取得相關資訊。另外,各位岩友平時應有積極作為 - 培養正確安全觀念,學習安全地攀岩、救難、救護等相關技術,以減少意外發生,並在意外發生時能有效處理;同時,也請各攀岩教學單位確實推廣安全觀念、技術,以減少攀岩意外發生。


Anyone planning to climb at Long Dong should be familiar with the existing rescue system. This knowledge is readily available by reading the Long Dong Rescue Handbook. Being familiar with the rescue system serves not only your own safety but also the safety of your partners and other climbers. The information in the Rescue Handbook will help you avoid frantically wondering how to call for help or scurrying around searching for EMS equipment while an injured person waits for emergency care. The Long Dong Rescue Handbook contains essential information for conducting efficient rescue at Long Dong. However, reading a book does not fully convey all the skills to be an effective first responder. Be proactive: prepare yourself for unexpected situations by learning and practicing appropriate rock climbing safety concepts and skills, and consider taking a course to learn crucial techniques of wilderness first aid and rescue. By taking an integrated approach to minimize accidents and developing individual and group response capabilities, the Long Dong climbing community can make Long Dong a safer place.

救援計畫書 | LD EMS Plan
Icon-Rescue Point-2.png
救援資訊圖 | LD Rescue Map

救援點 | Rescue Transportation Points

計畫共勘定 15 處救援點、6 處急救器材設置點,以及 5 條救援路線,並標示各區之困難 / 危險地形,供求援 / 救援人員快速釐清事故地點與傷患位置、就近取得急救器材、評估陸、海、空後送方式與撤退路線。詳細內容請見《救援計畫書》。


In total, there are 15 rescue transportation points, 6 EMS Equipment Locations, and 5 rescue approach routes. Based on this information, and with all unsafe or dangerous areas mapped and the EMS Equipment Locations noted, rescue personnel responding to an accident are able, based on the location of the accident, to quickly formulate a plan to retrieve the closest EMS equipment supply, evaluate the best approach route, and determine the optimum mode of transport to evacuate the injured as quickly as possible. Much of the information upon which such decisions are based can be found in the Long Dong Rescue Handbook.

Icon-Rescue Point-EMS Kit.png

急救器材設置點 | EMS Equipment Locations


校門口 – 左側洞穴內

School Gate – Inside the boulder cave at the left side


鐘塔 – 總統頭像山後方洞穴內

Clocktower – Inside the tunnel at the left side to the base of Four Presidents


音樂廳 – 演奏臺

Music Hall – On the Recital Hall


第一洞 – 洞內最深處

First Cave – At the end of the cave


黃金谷 – 黃金谷小徑下切到底後左轉的石塊與林投下方

Golden Valley – Underneath the boulders and bushes on the left side of Golden Valley trail


後門 – 鱷魚岬與老人牆內角洞穴內

Back Door – In the alcove between Crocodile Cape and Old Man Wall


There is a sealed blue plastic barrel and a dark green canvas bag at each EMS location. The sealed barrel contains all EMS equipment needed to treat common injuries or wounds, for example, blood stopping, bandage, or fracture, plus some specialized equipment like resuscitation apparatus. Note that some equipment requires trained personnel like EMT etc., to use. The green bag contains a set of a spinal board and accessories.


詳細資訊請參閱《救援計畫書》緊急救護 / 救援器材說明 – P. 19

Refere to "LD EMS Plan" – EMS Equipment information (P.19) for more details.


LINE Group for LD Accident Report and Response

為了讓大家在碰到意外事件時,能夠將現場狀況即時傳出,讓其他人員得以在第一時間獲報並提供協助,因此,我們設立了「龍洞岩場意外事故通報 Line 群組」,並廣邀岩友與相關單位人員 (在地消防與海巡弟兄) 加入,讓通報 / 求援者無論是在現場或線上,都能獲得最有效的協助。**加入密碼為「TOCC」**


To allow immediate reporting of accidents at Long Dong, and to facilitate rapid initiation of any necessary rescue response, we have established a LINE Reporting Group that includes many climbers and some personnel in the fire department and coast guard. This LINE group enables anyone, including partners, bystanders or the injured, to immediately report an accident at Long Dong, contact potential aid and rescuers, and receive assistance as soon as possible. PASSWORD: TOCC

急救器材 | EMS Equipment
訓練課程與演練 | Course & Exercise

救援訓練課程 / 應變演練

Rescue Training Courses and Rehersal

為推廣《龍洞救援計畫》,提升龍洞攀岩社群整體的救援 / 救護能力,我們計劃每年至少舉辦 3 梯次「救援訓練課程」,並不定時舉辦各式「應變演練」,讓岩友透過實際參與的方式,熟悉意外事故的處理流程與相關注意事項,進而提升龍洞攀岩社群整體的救援 / 救護能量。


In order to advance the Long Dong EMS Project and increase the rescue capability of the entire Long Dong climbing community, we plan to hold at least 3 sessions of the Rescue Training Course each year, with additional rescue rehearsals conducted from time to time. The purpose of the latter is to give climbers opportunities to participate and gain hand-on experience and thereby become familiar with the rescue procedures, so as to advance the rescue capacity of the entire climbing community at Long Dong.





意外事件回報 | Accident Report


Long Dong Accident Report



The Accident Report is an important component of the Long Dong EMS Project. Upon the completion of a rescue mission, in addition to retrieving and collecting all the equipment that has been used, a written report must be filed that includes relevant photographs. The written reports are critical to improving the EMS Project.



Upon completion of the rescue, persons involved in the accident and response should complete an accident report form. Later, the EMS Project Team will contact the report preparer to confirm that the information provided is accurate, and will also contact the rescue units involved, such as the fire department or coast guard personnel, in order to retrieve any equipment that is used in the rescue.


提交回報統計表單後,再請現場協助人員提供完整救援過程的影像 (或文字) 紀錄,讓工作團隊能夠確認各環節的確切時間點,據以撰寫詳實的意外事件報告,並將影像紀錄存檔備查 (不公開) 。

The EMS Team will next collect any available photographs taken during the accident and the rescue mission to confirm the accuracy of relevant information, especially the timeline of critical events, such as the time when the accident happened and the time when it was reported. This will form the baseline data used to prepare a formal report. All photographs so collected will be kept on file and will not be publicly disclosed.


待工作團隊彙整所有意外事故相關資訊後,將於網路平台發布正式的意外事件報告 (不揭露相關當事人姓名),向攀岩社群與社會大眾提供詳實的意外事故相關訊息。

After all the above steps are completed, a formal Accident Report will be prepared and published on the Association-related websites, presented as a standardized, detailed report about the accident. Identities of parties involved will be kept confidential and not included in the Accident Report.



LD Accident Report Statistics



Minor injury



Severe injury



Fatal injury

通報案件總數  Incident report


傷亡人數  Injuries


攀岩意外  Climbing accident


非攀岩意外  Non-climbing accident


運動攀登意外  Sport climbing accident


傳統攀登意外  Trad climbing accident


先鋒墜落意外  Leading fall accident


系統架設失誤  System setup mistake


人為操作失誤  Oprational error


落石  Rock fall



Accident count by crag


Transportation statistics


Transport by hand



Transport by boat



Transport by air lift



Minimum rescue time






Maxmum rescue time





意外事件統計 | Accident Statistics




圖片來源:王引寧  |  Yin Ning Wang


EMS Project Team



  1. 經常在龍洞岩場攀岩,或從事其他戶外活動 (每月至少兩日以上)

  2. 熟悉龍洞岩場各區地形,並且能獨立行動

  3. 具備醫護、消防、急救、繩索技術、傳統攀登、媒體公關等相關背景

  4. 願意在未來接受龍洞岩場輪值勤務:如醫療器材巡護,或於岩場待命執行事故救援勤務

We need you! Whether you are a member of TOCC or not, you are welcome to join the EMS Project Team. If you meet at least one of the following qualifications and are interested in volunteering, please complete the form below and send it to us.


  1. Engaging in rock climbing or other outdoor activities at Long Dong at least two days per month;

  2. Familiar with all areas in Long Dong and able to work independently;

  3. Having knowledge in medical care, firefighting skills, rope skill, traditional rock climbing, or the field of public relations;

  4. Willing to be on the roster of the Long Dong Patrol Team, whose job includes the regular check on the EMS equipment and being on the list of standby rescue personnel while at Long Dong.

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