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2024 LD Cleanup 龍洞大掃除!!






When you visit Long Dong, have you ever noticed that such a beautiful, blue corner has accumulated quite a bit of trash? Do you feel sad or disappointed about the litter at Long Dong? A large cleanup event may not change the pollution of the broader environment, but through our small actions, we can help preserve the beauty of Long Dong.

Whether you're climbing, hiking, or diving, take a moment to pick up trash that doesn't belong in nature. Beach cleanups may be a thankless and never-ending task, but if we do our part, change starts with the individual. Let’s bend down together and use our own hands to protect the beautiful, blue Long Dong!

2024 / 11 / 02 (Sat.) – 08:30

和美國小 Hemei Elementary School

有意參與的夥伴請直接到和美國小校門口報到並領取垃圾袋。 Those interested in participating, please register directly at the entrance of Hemei Elementary School and collect garbage bags.

大眾運輸 Public transportation

請至瑞芳火車站搭乘下列班次公車。 Please take the bus from Ruifang Train Station. 886 / 791 / 856 / 1811

安全須知 Safety tips

  • 這是自發性的淨灘活動,請小心自身安全;

  • 進入岩場需步行 10–15 分鐘,路程是礁岩地形與高低落差的顛頗小徑,勿穿夾腳拖或涼鞋;

  • 無救生員支援,淨灘時勿下海戲水;

  • 現場僅備有醫藥箱,無醫療人員駐站;

  • 現場為開放式戶外環境,無法提供私人物品看管;

  • 無任何場地意外險投保或個人安全保險,請自行投保。

  • Since this is a voluntary event, you are responsible for your own safety.

  • It’s a 10 – 15 min steep rocky walk from the parking area to Long Dong, so please do not wear sandals and flip-flops.

  • There will be NO life-guard on site, so NO swimming during the event.

  • There will be a first aid kit, no EHS/doctor/nurse.

  • There will be no locker/ deposit counter/ cloakroom, please take care of your own belongings.

  • There will be no insurance coverage on the event/ location/ participants, please make yourself insured.

備註 Note

  • 請參與人員自備手套與午餐, 我們會提供垃圾袋;

  • 海邊活動易受天氣影響,若因天氣因素行程有所變動將於活動前 24 小時內公告;

  • 歡迎大家分享本活動,邀請朋友共同參與 ;

  • 有意願擔任志工,並具備下列任一條件的朋友請在下方 (或協會粉專) 留言;

    1. WFA / EMT1

    2. 熟悉龍洞地形的岩友

    3. 就是想來幫忙的朋友

  • Please bring gloves and lunch, we will provide trash bags

  • Weather plays a major factor here. Any changes will be announced within 24 hours before the event.

  • Please share this and bring your friends!

  • If you are willing to volunteer and meet any of the following conditions, please leave a comment below (or on our Facebook page)

    1. WFA / EMT1

    2. Familiar with the terrain of Longdong

    3. Just want to come and help

活動聯絡人 : 阿顯

活動聯絡Mail :

龍洞大掃除簡介 LD Cleanup Introduction

2012 – 由岩友 Ryan 和 Pei-Hsuan 發起

2014 – 由岩友林建甫、Chet,以及楊珮欣接手

2019 – 由岩友阿顯與歐夫寇斯要冒險 Ofucos 接手規劃

2020 – TOCC 臺灣戶外攀岩協會接手續辦

如果認同我們 想共同撐起更美好的戶外攀岩環境 就請加入我們吧! If you agree with us and want to help create a better outdoor climbing environment together please join us!


TOCC 臺灣戶外攀岩協會

*註:若您曾是本協會會員,可以不用填入會申請表單 改填 會籍延續申請表 並繳交今年度會費,即可恢復會籍

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